This is a picture I took at the river behind my grandparents house. One of my favorite places in the world. We spent New Year’s Eve out there (well, we made it until 10pm before heading home… midnight is late these days). It was a good time.
I can't believe this is my last picture for my 2010 photo of the day project. I have made it through a year of taking a photo every day. I feel like it is a huge accomplishment. I am very happy I did this project. It has helped me focus more on photography and photograph many things I would not have before this project. I am hoping to continue this in the coming year, though I may implement some changes. Such as, I may allow filler shots, for days when I have more than one photo I would like to share, or I go back and process some of the hundreds of unprocessed files I have sitting on my computer. 2011 is looking like it may be a challenging year. I am hoping by continuing to focus on photography and the joy it brings me, I can keep a more positive attitude. We will see if that works. Hope you all have a wonderful 2011!
And here are a few more photos from the day.

Here is a slide show of all my 2010 photos of the day. Enjoy!