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2011 photo of the day : day 29
2011 photo of the day : day 28
2011 photo of the day : day 27
Still resting. Went back to work today for a couple 2 hour blocks. I have it set up so I can use my laptop standing since I am not supposed to sit for extended periods of time. Still a bit of soreness in my leg. I took the dressing off the incision site yesterday and it looks good. Not swollen or infected or anything. That is a good thing.

2011 photo of the day : day 25
2011 photo of the day : day 24
Still another day of recovering. It is getting kind of boring. Having a bit a pain in my leg again today. The doctor did say that everyone’s experience is different. For some the pain is gone immeadiately. For some, it is gone, but then will come back and then slowly fade away again. So, hopefully this too will pass. Still no shooting pains when coughing or sneezing, which is nice, though I keep expecting it to hurt. Took a picture of my still beautiful roses today.

2011 photo of the day : day 23
Another day. Still feeling about the same. All in all, it is not too bad. Though the body definitely doesn’t like being sliced up. Kitties still enjoying my recovery. At one point today I had one laying on each side of me. They can kind of be bed hogs, but I am happy to have them keeping me company. Here is a picture of the little dude.

2011 photo of the day : day 22
Another day of resting. It turns out the kitties make really good recovery buddies. They seem to enjoy the fact that I am spending a lot of time in bed. Probably wondering why I don’t always do this (I don’t think kitties know much about things like bills and needing jobs to pay them, not to mention to buy them kitty food). I managed to snap a picture of my recovery buddies today.

2011 photo of the day : day 21
The day after my surgery. It went well. It was an outpatient procedure, so I got home yesterday afternoon. The procedure went well and I didn’t get sick from the anesthesia or anything like that. The old pain I was feeling seems to be gone. I can cough/clear my throat without feeling shooting pain through my body. That is good. I have some soreness at the incision site, to be expected. I have been icing it and have pills to deal with any pain. Hard to find a comfortable position though. I received some beautiful photos today from my mom, dad and brother. I was able to take a picture of them today.

2011 photo of the day : day 20
Today is the big day. The day of my back surgery. I decided to take a picture this morning so I would be all caught up with photo of the day. I have never had surgery, but I cant imagine I will feel like doing it later. Hopefully all goes well and my recovery is quick. Don’t want to miss too much of photo of the day! A picture of my girl Nutty.

photo of the day : day 19
Tomorrow is my surgery. I am starting to get a bit nervous, though all my wonderful friends and family assure me everything will go fine. I am starting to imagine what life will be like being free of this pain I have been in for almost three months. I can barely remember it seems. I will focus on that. I can’t eat anything after midnight tonight. After that, I can only have a small amount of clear liquid until 5am, and then nothing until after my surgery. Today, I took a picture of some glitter eye shadow that Santa gave me this year. I got glitter all over my hand (and everything I touch, including my camera), but I was happy with the shot I got.

photo of the day : day 18
This morning I got a call from the neurosurgeon’s office and found out my surgery is scheduled for this Thursday. Yes, as in the day after tomorrow (try not to think of the Dennis Quaid movie). I have to go in for a pre-op visit this afternoon. I can’t believe it will be happening so fast. But, I am glad I won’t have to long to stress out about it. I am ready for it to be done. The pain is getting worse daily. Today I was going to try and do something creative, but then I saw the little dude sitting there and I couldn’t resist. It just seemed easier, and with everything else going on, sometimes easy is all I can handle.

2011 photo of the day : day 17
Monday. Not my most favorite day of the week. Things are still beyond hectic at work since the last round of layoffs. I guess this is just the new normal. Also, today I found out my back surgery may be scheduled for later this week or next week. I am, to be honest, a bit scared about the surgery (I mean, it is surgery), but I am very ready to be out of pain. I am so used to being in pain now, I think it will be weird not be in pain, but I am so looking forward to it. Today, I just took some more pictures of the pets (they are always so handy). Not really sure where I was going on the processing with this one. Just playing around.

2011 photo of the day : day 16
Today was a nice lazy Sunday. Didn’t do too much. Watch our Seattle Seahawks go down to defeat in a playoff game. I am far from a football fan (just ask my boyfriend), but it is always nice to see Seattle get a shot in the post season. Took a some pictures of the dog today. She wasn’t doing anything exciting, just laying on the couch. Played with the processing a bit.

2011 photo of the day : day 15
This morning I was using my computer and I had put my blanket on the file cabinet in the office. Little Dude decided it was a comfortable place to rest for awhile. It seems like the situation just begged for a photo, so I grabbed my camera (which was right next to me) and took some pictures. He is the little dude.

2011 photo of the day : day 14
2011 photo of the day : day 13
2011 - photo of the day : day 12
So today I thought I would take out some of the wine corks I have and set up a shot with them for some close up texture shots. It started out well enough, but then, the cats came in the room. They were pretty sure the only reason I would possibly put all these corks on the little table is so they could come and knock them off. That just has to be the reason. So, I just went with it and starting snapping shots of the trouble makers. Maybe tomorrow I will take my close up texture pictures.

2011 photo of the day : day 11
Today, was, a quite a day. We lost many people in our company due to layoffs (we knew it was coming, but it is still hard). I didn’t get laid off, but I am one of the only ones left in my department, and the future isn’t looking so good. Also, I had a consult with a neurosurgeon about my MRI and herniated disc, and it looks like I am headed for back surgery. It is supposed to snow today, but I took some pictures of the kitty, because it didn’t start snowing until after dark, so I didn’t get any snow pictures. I did get to go outside in the snow for a bit (couldn’t stay out long due to back issues) so that was fun.

2011 photo of the day : day 10
I was hoping to take some more snow pictures today, but we didn’t get any new snow, so we only have the old snow from yesterday, which is not so pretty anymore. Weather report is still indicating that we might get some snow Tuesday night or Wednesday, so here is hoping. The daffodils I bought the other day are stilling hanging in there (barely), so I thought I would take more shots of them.

2011 photo of the day : day 9
Today we woke up to a beautiful blanket of snow. I was very happy, as I have been waiting for snow all winter. We went for a drive to see all the snow. It turns out the snowfall was highly localized, with some areas getting a bunch (and where we are from that is like 4-5 inches) and some areas getting very little or none. We stopped by Lake Padden, an area that got a significant amount, and it was beautiful. There were snow covered trees down by the lake and the sun was shining. Looks like there is more snow in the forecast for later this week. Here is hoping that I will get to add some more snow pictures to my project soon.

Here are a couple more pictures.

Here are a couple more pictures.

2011 photo of the day : day 8
I set my camera up on the tripod today to try and take some self portraits. The cats were very interested in what I was doing. Then I thought about the fact that I don’t have many pictures of me and the kitties. So, I tried holding them, while taking a self portrait. First I tried with Nutty, but she was not having any of it and none of those pictures turned out. Then, I saw the little dude. He is much more tolerable of being handled, so I gave it a shot. Managed to get this one that I thought turned out okay. This self portrait thing is hard enough to begin with, adding cats just makes it that much harder.

2011 photo of the day : day 7
2011 photo of the day : day 5
2011 photo of the day : day 4
My girl Nutty. She was not really in the mood to have her photo taken today. And when I say not in the mood, I mean she might have been sleeping just a little bit. I love this picture though because, to me, her expression says "I thought you were done with this project. Please quit sticking that camera in my face."

2011 photo of the day : day 2
2011 photo of the day : day 1
Happy 2011! Having just completed my first 365 project in 2010, I thought I would be ready to stop by the end of it, or even looking forward to stopping. However, that doesn’t seem to be th case. We went for a drive this evening to see the sunset. This photo was taken down in the Skagit flats, just off the side of the road. The colors were amazing. They were even more intense just a few minutes before this was taken.

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